
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Juiceph Fruit... my oh first blog post

Starting this blog is an absolute risk...
because I am a SIMPLE guy who is not a vocabulary monster
I know LITTLE about extravagant paragraphs or even catchy taglines.
I do not have an expensive classy camera, or an over the top laptop to stimulate my lazy hands and my oh so little brain cells to share and post always....

I guess what made me start this blog...
is the willingness to share our amazing world
the bitter sweet of life
the happiness in foods
the magic of fashion
and my simple own story

My country..the Philippines
my addicition to Cheesecake
the love for food
the enchanting world of movies and music
and ALL for the love of our Creator

Let me call my blog site JUICEPH
because my name is Joseph
i am juicy? hahaha
kidding aside
I guess JUICEPH because Juiceph is a sweeter version of my name
a bitter sweet version of my life
a flavorful words of my posts and blogs
and a juicy world where we all live..

I hope this is a juicy start of an inspiring happy Juiceph's blog ;)